Saturday, March 24, 2012


Gah! I'm so nervous to be giving a 4-H clinic today! I'm trying not to dwell on the gory possibilities and instead stay positive and focused, but it's hard! Wish me luck that I don't get eaten by a bunch of 12-year-olds! If they give me any lip, I'll just make them go without stirrups! Ha! Seriously though, I think I'm well enough prepared, but it's tough because I'm not 100% certain of their riding level, so I have to be a little flexible! Anyhow, I still have to get dressed and brush my teeth, so wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! I wanna hear all about it!

  2. I'm a little late, but good luck! I hope it went well. I'm sure it went well. :) Instructing is fun, once you get into it! IMO anyway.... :P


  3. How did it go? It's so cool that you were able to do this!

  4. That sounds like fun, I would say good luck but I'm way behind in reading all my blogs so it's probably well and truly over by now. How'd it go?
